FOLLOWME community is established to be guided by investment strategies and share investment strategies and investment knowledge. Therefore, FOLLOWME has developed a set of basic community rules, please be aware of it.
Community information is only to provide reference information for investment, so that investment users can learn, share, and interact with each other, and does not constitute any investment advice or recommendation. Investment depends entirely on your personal independent thinking and decision-making, FOLLOWME will not bear any responsibility for the profit or loss of investment.
1. The community is a platform for traders and followers to communicate so that the followers can follow the investment through communication and understanding of traders who choose to trust. Traders can also share their professional investment knowledge with followers in the community to achieve the purpose of mutual understanding and choosing to follow investment objects.
2. FOLLOWME does not guarantee the reliability and authenticity of the information provided by the community to FOLLOWME partners, financial institutions, and users. Therefore, the information published is only responsible for the legality of its published content, and will not bear any responsibility for the profits and losses generated by the investment based on this operation.
3. Any act of publishing information in the community represents its personal actions. The act of setting up an official account by FOLLOWME to publish information on product technical services represents the official position of FOLLOWME.
The FOLLOWME community is mainly for sharing financial investment information related to investment experience, investment strategies, research, and market analysis, and hopes that community users will actively speak and share, and participate in the discussion of relevant content.
In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of FOLLOWME users, provide a healthy and civilized community environment, and create a harmonious and good social atmosphere, according to the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Maintaining Internet Security", "Management Measures for Internet Information Services", "Internet "User Account Name Management Regulations" and other current laws and regulations, FOLLOWME clearly formulates various violations in the community and corresponding penalties.
1. Use uncivilized and unhealthy language (insults, discrimination, obscenity, etc.) to conduct personal attacks, geographic attacks, ethnic discrimination, etc., once discovered, immediately restrict display or delete, and depending on the severity of the situation, the user who posted the content Warn, mute, or disable account processing.
2. Publish information that violates current laws and regulations and endanger the safety and legal rights of users and FOLLOWME. Once discovered, stop displaying or delete it, and depending on the severity of the situation, the user who posted the information will be warned, banned, or disabled. deal with.
3. Publish spam information destroys the network environment, such as repeated posting of unrelated comments, spam advertisements, etc., which cause interference to other users and are complaining, the content will be deleted, and warnings or bans will be given depending on the severity of the circumstances Or disable account processing.
4. Randomly sending advertisements, such as sales advertisements, consulting advertisements, stock websites, etc., will be deleted as soon as they are found, and will be warned, banned, or account disabled depending on the severity of the circumstances.
5. Indiscriminate publication of obscenity, pornography, violence, superstition, and crime, etc., shall be removed once discovered, and the user who posted the information shall be banned or account disabled depending on the severity of the circumstances.
6. Acts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others (reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, etc.), as well as spreading virus codes, hacking programs, and other documents and information that impair the rights and interests of third parties, and are complained about, once discovered The user banned and disabled account processing.
7. User avatars, nicknames, and personal profiles involve sensitive current affairs, reactionary and other content, and shall be modified within a time limit; if they are not modified within the time limit, they will be banned or account disabled depending on the severity of the circumstances.
8. User account avatars, nicknames, introductions, and speeches that infringe on the legal rights and interests of others (including natural persons and legal persons), such as reputation rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, etc., and are reported and complained by the parties The severity of the plot is restricted to display, delete, warn, ban or disable account processing.
9. Repeatedly post the same comment content, delete it as soon as it is discovered, and ban the user who posted the content and disable the account according to the severity of the situation.
10. Publish QQ account, QQ group, WeChat official account, WeChat group account, WeChat QR code, and third-party activity information, promotion information, sales information, and other marketing information that are not permitted by FOLLOWME. The user bans and disables account processing.
This code shall be implemented from the date of revision. The accounts that violate the FOLLOWME community rules shall be given warnings, bans, and account suspension processing. Muting is the main punishment mechanism of the FOLLOWME community. Users who are banned cannot comment, forward, comment, or modify personal information. They can only browse the web. After the ban period, they can return to normal. Depending on the severity of the situation, the banning punishment can be divided into a ban period of 1 day, a ban period of 7 days, a ban period of 15 days, or a permanent ban.
If you have any questions or objections about the FOLLOWME community punishment mechanism, you can send an email to the FOLLOWME [email protected] to appeal.
FOLLOWME community users have a voice and only represent their personal position. Investment needs to make judgments and decisions based on your own independent thinking. In the FOLLOWME community, the official account set up by FOLLOWME on FOLLOWME’s own products and technology-related issues represents FOLLOWME’s official position.
For non-commercial, non-profit, and non-advertising purposes, any attempt to reprint or quote the content of the FOLLOWME website community to other places must indicate the source of the content. If infringement matters are involved, the copyright party can complain with FOLLOWME and provide relevant materials proving the copyright. FOLLOWME will deal with it after verification.
This code shall be implemented from the date of revision. The accounts that violate the FOLLOWME community rules shall be given warnings, bans, and account suspension processing. Muting is the main punishment mechanism of the FOLLOWME community. Users who are banned cannot comment, forward, comment, or modify personal information. They can only browse the web. After the ban period, they can return to normal. Depending on the severity of the situation, the banning punishment can be divided into a ban period of 1 day, a ban period of 7 days, a ban period of 15 days, or a permanent ban.
If you have any questions or objections about the FOLLOWME community punishment mechanism, you can send an email to the FOLLOWME assistant secretary@ to appeal.