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2024年,合肥地震频发,亲身感知到的就有五次、惊慌跑下楼的有两次。 2024年,大姑卒中走了;岳父住院、出院、又住院且进了ICU、又出院,在家养了个把月,最终也还是走了。尤其感到难过的是岳父,因为一些原因,我俩素未蒙面,也终于,老人家不用再被病痛折磨了。老婆说,“我要是没有爸爸了,你不能欺负我”,我听完心里很难过。虽然我没有岳父了,但在我心里,您永远是我的泰山。 2024年,看似波澜不惊,其实做了一些重要的事,甚至比以往任何年头都重要,交易的拼图快完成了,不能说很完善,但在一个单子的全生命周期里,策略上形成闭环了,我能做的,大概也只有这样了。后面得看熟练度,别看错、别做错、别心急。其实一直以
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Win up to $1,000! S15 Cashback Unlock Challenge Is Official Launched!
Many people often have a dream about "Where can I trade and get generous cashback at the same time?". This time, FOLLOWME will provide the perfect answer through a brand new customized event! The S15 competition not only brings more exciting challenges for traders but also offers the most generous a
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Japan’s Akazawa: Expect modest economic recovery to continue
Japan's Economy Minister Ryosei Akazawa said on Friday that he “expects modest economic recovery to continue, driven by improving employment and wage environment.” He further noted that there is a “need to carefully monitor downside risks from overseas economies and volatility in financial, capital
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SkenarioJangka waktuDalam sehariRekomendasiMEMBELITitik Masuk105.46Ambil Untung117.56Hentikan Kerugian101.34Tingkat Kunci99,36, 101,34, 117,56, 123,33Mari kita lihat grafik empat jam. Garis Tenkan-sen berada di atas Kijun-sen, garisnya horizontal. Garis konfirmatif Chikou Span berada di atas grafik
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【友财网讯】-这都是关于信任的问题。 美国或许早在1933年就抛弃了金本位,但好市多(Costco)的消费者已经证明,黄金是一种热销商品。 当然,这是一项投资,但它也“反映了人们对真钱的渴望”,经济学家、独立研究所高级研究员朱迪·谢尔顿(Judy Shelton)在雅虎财经的播客上告诉雅虎财经,“黄金在某种程度上是实体经济的替代品,它代表着大宗商品,但也代表着你可以信任的传统货币角色。” 广受欢迎的好市多金条是去年通过24k的1盎司金条介绍给仓库俱乐部会员的。据报道,这款金条在好市多每月的销售额高达2亿美元。需求如此之大,以至于这家零售商开始提供铂金条。 根据谢尔顿的说法,好市
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DAX 40: the index is preparing to continue growing
ScenarioTimeframeWeeklyRecommendationBUY STOPEntry Point19760.5Take Profit20640.0Stop Loss19300.0Key Levels18510.0, 19390.0, 19760.0, 20640.0Alternative scenarioRecommendationSELL STOPEntry Point19389.5Take Profit18510.0Stop Loss19800.0Key Levels18510.0, 19390.0, 19760.0, 20640.0Current trend Agains
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在金融交易中,追涨杀跌和高抛低吸是两种截然不同的操作策略,分别适用于不同的市场环境和投资者类型。要想在交易中获得更好的收益,这两种策略的使用条件和注意事项至关重要。本文将详细分析追涨杀跌与高抛低吸的使用条件、适用市场和风险控制方法。 一、追涨杀跌策略 1. 什么是追涨杀跌? 追涨杀跌是一种顺势交易策略,即在价格上涨时买入,在价格下跌时卖出。这一策略的核心逻辑是,顺应市场的趋势方向,认为涨势未尽或者跌势未止。通过追涨和杀跌,交易者希望能够在强势市场中获得更多的盈利机会。 2. 追涨杀跌的使用条件 趋势市场:追涨杀跌最适合在单边趋势明显的市场中使用,无论是上升趋势还是下降趋势。在上升趋势中,价格不
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Ringkasan harian pergerakan pasar: Harga emas turun di tengah meredanya kekhawatiran resesi AS
Nonfarm Payrolls AS meningkat sebesar 254 ribu pada bulan September, melampaui estimasi 140 ribu dan angka Agustus yang direvisi naik sebesar 159 ribu. Tingkat Pengangguran menurun dari 4,2% menjadi 4,1%, lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan.Pendapatan Per Jam Rata-rata pada bulan September naik 0,4% M
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Cek Harga Buyback Emas Antam 10 Gram Hari Ini
Cek Harga Buyback Emas Antam 10 Gram Hari Ini. (Foto: MNC Media) IDXChannel - Harga buyback emas Antam 10 gram hari ini menarik diketahui. Harga pembelian kembali atau buyback emas yang turun Rp 8.000 per gram. Harga buyback emas hari ini dipatok Rp1.254.000 per gram, sementara harga buyback emas pa
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Gold price drops in Friday’s early Asian session.The stronger US GDP growth drags Gold price lower, but rising Fed rate cut expectations might help limit its losses. All eyes are on the US PCE inflation data, which is due later on Friday. Gold price (XAU/USD) loses momentum amid the firme
Pull-up Update