Shafar Ahmed
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How to Make 1 Million USD in Trading?
As an ordinary trader, how much money can you earn at most? Do you think it is realistic to set a target as much as $ 1 million? This is an important question that every trader will face, and from your answer, you may be able to find out whether you can achieve it or whether you are doomed to losses
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亚盘大行情!英国大选前这份民调令英镑大跌 今晚美联储决议来袭 别忘了这一关键数据
FX168财经报社(香港)讯 周三(12月11日)亚市盘初,受英国大选前的一份重量级民调影响,英镑/美元短线大跌,一度逼近1.31关口。本交易日投资者将聚焦美联储决议,尽管市场普遍预期美联储将按兵不动,不过美联储主席鲍威尔在新闻发布会上的言论可能引发市场剧烈波动。此外,北京时间今晚,投资者将迎来美联储决议前的一份关键数据——美国CPI,该数据表现可能会影响决议前的市场基调。英国YouGov民调结果出炉 英镑短线大跌近80点周三亚市早盘,英镑/美元短线急跌近80点,刷新日低至1.3104。最新的YouGov民调显示,保守党在的领先优势有所减弱。(英镑/美元15分钟图 来源:FX168)YouGo
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The Story of Blow Up
The pain of blow-up is an inevitable process that every trader who newly enters the financial market has to go through, and some of them may even encounter several times. Today, I would like to share two real trading stories with you, which, exactly speaking,are accidents. Maybe after reading, you w
Pull-up Update