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Profit by Following
- Symbol XAU/USD
- Trading Account #3 80041329
- Broker AvaTrade
- Open/Close price 1,574.79/1,563.79
- Volume Sell 0.18 Flots
- Profit 198.00 USD
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Profit by Following
- Symbol GBP/CAD
- Trading Account #5 751915
- Broker GO Markets
- Open/Close price 1.70433/1.70795
- Volume Buy 0.5 Flots
- Profit 139.60 USD
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欧洲期货交易所最新报告出炉:交易量喜忧参半 但2019年OTC业务大放异彩
FX168财经报社(香港)讯 据Finance Magnates周一(1月6日)报道称,全球衍生品交易所欧洲期货交易所(Eurex)公布了其2019年12月的运营指标,该指标同比略有下降,但某些细分市场继续保持上升趋势,日均交易量录得三位数增长。2019年12月,欧洲期货交易所披露其金融衍生品交易总额为1.6亿欧元,其中包括欧洲股票指数、利率和股票衍生品。与2018年12月报告的1.75亿欧元相比,这一数字同比下降了8.1%。与此同时,欧洲期货交易所的场外清算(OTC)业务较上年同期大幅增长,12月交易量跳增62.85%至12.88万亿欧元。日均交易量(ADV)方面,12月份日均交易量同比增长
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Small Money, Big Deal
We are often told that the big money always put risk control in the first place.
Small lots, multi-strategy, back-stage forced liquidation or third-party risk control… These are some of the risk control methods for funds management that are known to all.
However, there might be some misunderstan
- 42209 :How to start in trading?
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Pull-up Update