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China's Caixin/Markit services PMI: 54.1 vs 56.8 expected
China’s Caixin/Markit services PMI was expected to remain in good health for July from 58.4 prior.
The data, however, has arrived as follows:
Caixin/Markit services PMI
China Caixin/IHS Markit July services PMI at 54.1 (vs 58.4 in June).
Forex reaction
Ahead of the data, China's onshore spot yua
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What will today bring for AUD/USD?
AUSTRALIA - Trade Surplus missed expectations by a big margin. Exports rose 2.4% and imports increased by 1%. Retail sales growth for June has been revised higher to 2.7%. However, AUD/USD fails to draw birds despite the rebound in exports and continues to trade in the red near 0.7155.
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专访Exness交易员@冷岩作手| 每开一仓,就事先假定它是亏损的
交易中稳健该如何理解?其实无他,稳定的交易靠的是稳定的操作模式,而稳定的操作模式决定了只有若干个稳定不变的操作手法。清末有个形意拳大师郭云深,只凭半步崩拳,便打遍天下无敌手。可谓一招鲜吃遍天,很稳定的操作模式。其实在FOLLOWME社区,也有这么一位稳健、酷帅的选手,他就是Exness的交易员@冷岩作手 。
做交易无非就是一买一卖,稳定的操作模式就是针对买与卖的一些能自守的动作。@冷岩作手 的自守要领便是:下单必带止损,连损三笔停盘三天。但止损做得好,入场不明确也是无头苍蝇。所以,@冷岩作手 在采访中多次强调的一个东西就是:到了就买,不到就不买,买了赚了就平常心对待,然后等着止盈信号,亏
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Differences Among Trend Trading, Carry Trading and Algorithmic Trading.
1. What is trend trading?Trend trading is to use technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and fund management to obtain a probability preference when predicting the direction and secure a mathematic advantage in profit and to leverage the advantages for more profit. Take an example of pr
Pull-up Update