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Win up to 30 USD by Sharing Notes?
As we can see, there are 55 users gained total 3440 FCOIN in the last round #TradeNotes# challenge. FOLLOWME is really excited to announce that the new #TradeNotes# challenge is Kicking off!We are going to give out more FCOIN to you this time!What you need to do is to share your note
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真的是这两大重磅消息引发全球暴动!?今天市场的大行情:道指跌超500点、美国原油暴跌超5% 黄金、白银也杀跌……
FX168财经报社(香港)讯 周四(7月30日)欧市盘中,美股开盘后跌势加剧,三大股指全线下挫,道指一度跌500点或2%;美国原油暴跌超5%,一度下破39关口;黄金、白银也维持此前的杀跌势头……欧美股市:欧洲股市全线低开低走,截止发稿,德国DAX30指数跌近4%、英国富时100指数、法国CAC40指数、意大利富时MIB、欧洲斯托克600指数跌幅都超过2%。美国股市今天小幅低开,早盘跌幅迅速扩大,道指一度跌500点,截止发稿,三大股指全线下挫……(图片来源:CNBC)CNBC报道指出,周四股市大幅下跌,大型科技股在收盘后公布财报前纷纷下挫。投资者也消化了创纪录的GDP下降。市值近5万亿美元的苹果
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AUDNZD Trade Analysis For Long Position
AUDNZD Trade Analysis For Long Position A Bullish Descending Triangle breakout spotted at AUDNZD pair we are looking for price pull back and enter long position Buy Limit 1.06661 SL 1.06361 TP 1 1.06861 TP 2 1.07161 TP 3 1.07661 *Please apply your own risk management s
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Over-trading: the Fatal Habit for 98% of Forex Traders
1. Everyone over-tradesOver-trading is so common in the foreign exchange market that there is hardly anyone who does not over-trade. Frequent full and heavy positions, buy-in and close-out during the day are very normal. Over-trading is the most fatal habit for 98% of the traders in the foreign
Pull-up Update