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月榜出炉,@哈哈LYR 再夺 FxPro 组月冠
截止至11月30日报名结束,来自178家交易商的 3,583 个账户参赛,参赛资金 3,300 万美元,交易笔数近70万笔,冠军奖金15万。其中,老牌交易商 IC Markets 以582个参赛账户,占比16.3%,拿下交易商参赛账户数的榜首。EXNESS、XM 分别以361、360个参赛账户数位列第二、第三。 图为交易商报名账户数TOP10 在 2,984 个平仓账户数中,盈利账户数有 1,103个,占比37%。其中,轻量组平仓账户数盈利占比为35.32%,重量组平仓账户数盈利占比为50%。与轻量组相比,重量组交易更为稳定。 图为赛账户总体表现(仅统计有平仓交易的账户) 从品种喜好上看,黄金
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Laporan Perdagangan Teratas FOLLOWME Community - Minggu Keempat November 2020
2020/11/23 - 2020/11/27 Total Pesanan Perdagangan 377,701 Dibandingkan dengan 336.826 minggu sebelumnya, total order perdagangan telah menyusut sebesar 12% atau 40.875 untuk minggu terakhir. Untuk minggu terakhir, 10 Trader Teratas telah memberikan kinerja yang luar biasa dengan total keuntungan $31
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Golden Scout - Gold Up Over U.S. Stimulus Uncertainty
Gold was up on Friday morning in Asia, as disappointing jobs data from the U.S. sinks in and uncertainty over the latest U.S. stimulus measures and Brexit talks remains. Gold futures were up 0.23% at $1,841.70 by 12:47 a.m. (ET). The dollar, which usually moves inversely to the yellow metal, wa
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FOLLOWME Community Trading Report the third quarter of 2020
Introduction: Since the beginning of the year, the global outbreak of COVID-19 has prompted countries and major economies around the world to adopt a series of large-scale economic stimuli to ease policies. Central banks, led by the Federal Reserve, have adjusted their monetary policies to inject li
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【悬赏问答】第32期 | 你的交易昵称有什么含义?
交易中的昵称往往是一个投资者表达自己交易理念的窗口。比如,社区中的交易员@冷岩作手 的昵称含义就是:岩与“言”、“严”同音,同时,客家话里冷言是少说话的意思,自然界中最高的温度不过是岩浆,使其冷却即可成形。寓意时刻冷静、少说多想、严于律己的操盘手;而社区老用户@半杯茶水 对自己昵称的定义则为:水满则溢,茶有韵味,过者不及。 显然,他们都通过交易昵称来贯彻自己的理念以及获得这世界对其价值的认可。那你呢?作为交易市场中的一员,你的交易昵称有什么含义?是有趣、好玩还是有着更加深刻的含义呢?今天,让我们一起来聊聊自己的交易昵称吧~ 【参与方式】 方式一:在文末评论区分享你的交易昵称以及这昵称背后的含义
- 老张有肉吃 :尴尬😳这话题突然很不想聊
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Like It? Reward It!--FCOIN Reward The Post You Like
Hey users, if you have noticed, we have made a few changes in the latest update. First, our news feed layout has been reduced to three channels from the previous four channels into Following, Recommended and Notes. We intend to present you with the most relevant trading content based on your activit