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汇通财经APP讯——8月6日,欧洲央行前行长Jean-Claude Trichet表示,最近日元迅速升值可能被视为一次迟来的健康调整,现在还不是为更广泛的市场影响感到恐慌的时候。 他表示,日本货币政策转向鹰派、中东地缘政治紧张局势以及令人失望的美国就业数据,这些因素共同影响了周五和周一全球市场。 在Trichet看来,美元兑日元的调整来得太迟了,因为每个人都知道日元处于不合适的位置。在很长一段时间里,套利交易一直非常活跃。 日元的快速升值始于上周三,当时日本央行加息,并制定了缩减债券购买计划的计划。 美元兑日元上周暴跌近5%,周一进一步下跌,不过周二小幅反弹0.09%,进入周三后继续反弹,目前
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Getting Started with FOLLOWME: What you Should Know
Welcome to FOLLOWME. FOLLOWME is a social trading network designed to establish connection with Foreign Exchange investors from around the world. Within this community, you can share your trading experiences, strategies and exchange ideas with other investors. While FOLLOWME strikes to provide a use
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Stocks up, VIX down, is Oil making a presidential prediction? Feast of the seven fishes
Share: And the rally just won’t quit – the VIX remains complacent. Small & Mid-Caps up 15.2% in 6 weeks. 30 yr. - $21 billion bond auction this morning. Is oil making a Presidential prediction? Feast of the 7 Fishes - #7 Mussels Posillipo. And the rally just won’t quit…. stocks advanced again ye
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