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US-Based Crypto Trader Pleads Guilty
Photo: FM The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damiam Williams, recently announced the guilty plea of Jeremy Spence in a crypto scam worth more than $5 million. The details shared by the authority outlined that Spence solicited money from over 170 individuals through various illega
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精彩活动 | Doo Prime #DooTrader 慈善杯交易大赛 8 月荣耀盛启:使用 MT5 参赛,奖金额外加码 20%
Doo Prime #DooTrader 慈善杯交易大赛即将在这火热的盛夏拉开帷幕,大赛秉承“提高行业素质,传播正确交易理念”的宗旨,为全球投资者提供实战交易与丰厚盈利的“双赢”机遇。值得关注的是本届大赛使用 MT5 账号参赛,奖金加码 20%,单是 8 月及 9 月两轮比赛,总奖金池已高达 188,400 美元,等待各路豪杰前来挑战! 一直以来,交易大赛深受业内关注,也积累了优异的口碑与人气,上一届 S4 #DooTrader 赛事更吸引了众多交易高手前来参战,其中冠军选手 San Cxxxx 以惊人的 2,000% 收益率,刷新了交易大赛的记录,最高单笔盈利更是达到了
Doo Prime
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FOLLOWME Update| Newly Added Invitation Program and Partner Program
Hello everyone, in the new version, FOLLOWME has added an Invitation Program and Partner Program. The following is a detailed introduction to the page functions and operation paths~ 1. Invitation Program Invitation Program is an activity launched by FOLLOWME to encourage more traders to join.
- Babar khan :70% plus All Accounts Profit last month
- Malik Badshah🥇NZ✍ :اسلام علیکم
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在交易的同时赚取现金奖励 每手外汇、黄金和白银交易都能获得报酬。 我们坚持对客户的忠诚、努力以及对交易的热爱给与奖励。为此,我们推出了独家的推广活动,向您提供机会从交易和现金返利赚取双重收益!充分利用我们优越的交易条件、前沿的交易工具和市场提醒获得优势,在最大程度上发挥您的交易潜能。 如何赚取现金返利 1 1.在您的客户专区开设新的MT4或MT5“返现活动”账户 2 2.单笔办理一笔新的至少200美元或等额的欧元/英镑/南非兰特入金。 3 3.只交易外汇、黄金(XAUUSD
- 幽灵礼物 :很开心Tickmill赞助大赛,我用Tickmill账户七八个月了,交易成本是真的低,哪怕是点差+手续费一起,都要比别家点差低一些,考虑换账户的可以试试。
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EBC Group:免费领取威科夫2.0!洞悉市场真相,一招致胜
威科夫交易法,是20世纪最伟大的交易理论之一,与艾略特波浪理论、道氏交易理论等经典理论并驾齐驱。 威科夫交易法聚焦于盘口分析,通过识别机构吸筹派发行为,实现“跟庄交易”。在过去近百年里,威科夫交易法不断发展创新,引入量价分析,实现从1.0像2.0迭代。 作为全球领先的交易券商,EBC有幸成为《威科夫2.0》的合作机构,依托EBC广泛的国际影响力,将全球顶级交易思维呈递与交易者。 — 点击免费领取《威科夫2.0》 — 一、以量价为基础,最简易的威科夫交易法 传统的威科夫交易法,是围绕着威科夫事件与阶段展开的,包括五个阶段和九个测试。 他本质上是通过
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十月蟹肥香满溢,交易得劲笑开颜!TMGM十月入金送礼活动限时上新大闸蟹! 秋风送爽,蟹香四溢。在这个收获的季节里,TMGM入金送礼活动上新了应季大闸蟹!作为交易者,您不仅能在TMGM捕捉到最佳的交易机会,还能在TMGM享受到独特的福利和奖励!TMGM十月入金送礼活动特别精选了来自阳澄湖的大闸蟹。阳澄湖大闸蟹以其肉质鲜美、蟹黄饱满而闻名遐迩,被誉为“蟹中之王”。每一只大闸蟹都经过严格筛选,确保送到您手中的每一份礼物都是顶级品质。 季节限定,数量有限 受季节影响,大闸蟹数量有限,先到先得,送完即止。享受美味非常简单,只要在在前100位完成一定金额的入金,您就能获得这份美味的大闸蟹。具体规则如下:
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Profit by Following
- Symbol BTC/USD
- Trading Account #2 88802273
- Broker MohicansMarkets
- Open/Close price 61,757/62,023
- Volume Buy 2 Flots
- Profit 532.00 USD
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FOLLOWME | How Does IT Work?
FOLLOWME, A Trading Community For Global Traders FOLLOWME supports connectivity to more than 4,000 Brokers. At our "Connect Account" page, you can search in our Existing Accounts list for your broker’s MT4 server and connect your existing trading account with your login and passw
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How to spot trend reversals like a pro? these points are very important
" Don't trade against the trend " You may have heard the phrase "don't trade against the trend" a million times, and your ears may be calloused, but if you do it right, trend reversal trading can be crazy profitable, so how to do trend reversal What about the deal? Let's talk slowly below! Mistakes