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The undervalued indexes that should have been added into the forex trading journal
Now, many forex trading education websites are always emphasizing that the trading journals should track some forex indexes as well.
For example, several websites have listed all the necessary statistical data that all traders should pay attention to in their courses on trading journal statistics.
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Basic Knowledge of Foreign Exchange - What is Hedge Trading
Foreign Exchange Hedging
If there is an adverse change in the exchange rate and a foreign exchange trader enters the transaction to protect the existing or planned position, then he/she is in a foreign exchange hedging, which can help traders long on foreign currency we
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Small Money, Big Deal
We are often told that the big money always put risk control in the first place.
Small lots, multi-strategy, back-stage forced liquidation or third-party risk control… These are some of the risk control methods for funds management that are known to all.
However, there might be some misunderstan
- 42209 :How to start in trading?
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NO:1——@孤狼王者 ,因为三毛事件和本身的幽默吸粉无数,本以为是一篇沙雕文章而热力值保镖,据观察,此人还能更沙雕!!!大家一起期待其后期的发展!现在位居热力赛候选人的榜首!!!
NO:2—@Zoro跑跑 :社区名人,前两个月的热力赛榜首,文章内容多变,社区的明星作者,经常发美食的照片和动图引人犯罪,还记得上一个月,前10天没有写,后半场直接拿回场子,那么这个月是不是还会这样子!毕竟热力值相
Pull-up Update