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技术策略: NO.1 英镑/美元 (GBP/USD) –中阴掼破潜在双底,5浪目标或在1.23 日线图看,美国失业数据好于预期,给予英镑“致命一击”。而汇价跌破近期双底的动作与欧元如出一辙,可结合来看。镑美隔夜中阴掼破11月、12月低点后释放下行压力,直到2023年6月低点1.2360方才暂缓下行步伐。如果该位依然难保,多空双方将在更低处的去年谷底1.23展开终极决战,该位也是21-22年跌势半分位,以及2023年5月谷底。指标方面,MACD在零轴下方延续跌势,但并未与现价同步创下波段新低;RSI则已触及超卖线,为跌势延续制造变数。 4小时图看,镑美下杀暂止于新近跌势下轨,而且RS
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体验交易的魅力:加入 XM 模拟交易比赛,赢取丰厚奖金!
参与 XM 七日模拟交易挑战赛,体验真实市场的挑战与激情! 在无风险的环境中,尝试多种投资策略,积累经验,提升技能。 2024年12月10日至12月17日 期间,报名参加XM模拟交易比赛,挑战自我,制定交易策略,瓜分总值 $10,000 美元 现金奖励! 比赛流程: 1. 认证 XM 交易账户,即可免费报名参赛 2. 使用模拟账户的虚拟资金,零风险参赛 3. 交易排名靠前,即有机会赢取现金奖励 即刻报名参赛,扫描下方海报二维码! 了解更多,即刻访问XM官网:https://www.xmcnmarket.net/gw.... #XM#
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USD: Fed currently is minded to cut – ING
The market is long on the US Dollar (USD) after two months of a Trump-powered rally. Investors like the USD story into 2025, but the question is whether they have to suffer a position-led shake-out first. Today represents a risk to those positions in the form of the November jobs report, ING’s FX an
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Bộ Thương mại Trung Quốc: Áp thuế quan tùy tiện với đối tác thương mại không giải quyết được vấn đề ở nước Mỹ
Bình luận về lời đe dọa áp thuế của Tổng thống đắc cử Hoa Kỳ Donald Trunp, Bộ Thương mại Trung Quốc cho biết hôm thứ Năm rằng "Lập trường phản đối việc tăng thuế đơn phương của Trung Quốc vẫn nhất quán". "Việc áp thuế tùy tiện đối với các đối tác thương mại không thể giải quyết được các vấn đề trong
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Profit by Following
- Symbol XAU/USD
- Trading Account #11 120600231
- Broker GMI
- Open/Close price 2,671.96/2,646.27
- Volume Sell 0.04 Flots
- Profit 102.76 USD
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Profit by Following
- Symbol NZD/CAD
- Trading Account #9 90019310
- Broker ICMarkets
- Open/Close price 0.82687/0.83366
- Volume Buy 0.24 Flots
- Profit 117.17 USD
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Daily Digest Market Movers: Australian Dollar depreciates due to increased risk aversion
Over the past three weeks, allies of former President Donald Trump have faced at least 10 court defeats in key battleground states that could impact the outcome of the November 5 election between Republican candidate Trump and his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.The heightened unce
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5 Perusahaan Semen yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Intip Sejarah dan Kinerjanya
5 Perusahaan Semen yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Intip Sejarah dan Kinerjanya. (Foto: Semen Indonesia) IDXChannel—Tak banyak perusahaan semen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Namun demikian, beberapa di antaranya yang telah melantai di bursa menjadi emiten dengan saham yang kerap di
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徳璞汇评 | 利空压制黄金 ”五连跌“,中东紧张局势缓和原油跌逾 4%
【 Doo Prime 每日汇评 】 周二,美联储大幅降息预期降温,叠加交易员获利了结等因素,现货黄金 ”五连跌“,盘中一度大幅跳水近 50 美元,逼近 2600 美元关口;因真主党和以色列可能停火,市场预期美国原油库存可能增加,原油大跌逾 4%,录得近一个月最大单日跌幅。 Doo Prime 每日汇评 | 黄金>> 因美联储大幅降息的预期降温,叠加交易员获利了结等因素,现货黄金 ”五连跌“,盘中一度大幅跳水近 50 美元,逼近 2600 美元关口。截至收盘,金价下跌 0.79%,报 2621.68 美元/盎司。 美国周二公布的数据显示,8 月贸易逆
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Dukung Bulan Inklusi Keuangan, MNC Sekuritas Gelar Edukasi Reksa Dana
Dukung Bulan Inklusi Keuangan, MNC Sekuritas Gelar Edukasi Reksa Dana (Foto: MNC Media) IDXChannel - MNC Sekuritas menggelar edukasi reksa dana Having Fund 2024 dalam rangka mendukung Bulan Inklusi Keuangan (BIK) yang diperingati setiap bulan Oktober. Tema yang diusung tahun ini adalah "Untungnya, A
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EUR/USD trades on a flat note around 1.1120 in Thursday’s early European session. The Fed cut rates by 50bps in the September meeting, bringing the new policy rate target to 4.75-5.00%.Eurozone annual HICP steadies at 2.2% in August, as expected. The EUR/USD pair trad
Pull-up Update