sri selvan
#US election
Billionaires are spending more on political contributions, here are the three biggest spendersPUBLISHED WED, JUL 1 202010:32 AM EDTRobert Frank@ROBTFRANKAmerica’s billionaires are now spending 20 times more on political contributions than they did a decade ago, according to a new study.Political con
Tesla stock is up more than 4000% since its debut 10 years agoPUBLISHED MON, JUN 29 20207:41 PM EDTUPDATED 3 HOURS AGOLora Kolodny@LORAKOLODNYTesla shares have outperformed other major tech and auto stocks since it went public exactly 10 years ago.The stock has had plenty of ups and downs along the
#Trade notes
SKIP NAVIGATIONEuropean markets close lower amid coronavirus fears; Wirecard down 63%PUBLISHED FRI, JUN 26 20202:12 AM EDTUPDATED FRI, JUN 26 202011:59 AM EDTElliot Smith@ELLIOTSMITHCNBCThe pan-European Stoxx 600 closed 0.4% lower, with most sectors and major bourses in negative territory.Marke
#US Corona status
U.S. coronavirus cases surge by more than 45,000 in one day, total surpasses 2.5 millionPUBLISHED SAT, JUN 27 202012:05 PM EDTUPDATED 6 HOURS AGONoah Higgins-Dunn@HIGGINSDUNNThere were 45,255 additional Covid-19 cases reported across the nation on Friday, bringing the total to more than 2.5 million
Regarding investors
Some investors are making the biggest bet against the stock market in nine yearsPUBLISHED TUE, JUN 23 20203:20 PM EDTUPDATED 5 HOURS AGOPatti Domm@IN/PATTI-DOMM-9224884/@PATTIDOMMThe net short position in E-mini S&P 500 futures is growing and is now at a level it was last at in 2011.The short po
2nd wave covid🙄🙄🙄
Trade in stocks continued to be volatile around the world on Monday, amid fears about a resurgence in COVID-19 infections.Stock markets on both sides of the Atlantic opened with drops of 2% or more on Monday. Analysts said the sharp sell-off was driven by fears about rising COVID-19 cases worldwide.
LONDON Stock Exchange
The chief executive of the London Stock Exchange (LSE.L) has been named the new boss of Britain’s top financial watchdog.The Treasury announced on Monday that Nikhil Rathi has been appointed the new chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the regulator charged with overseeing