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One thought on NFP Guessing and Win Up to 30 FCOIN!
Here we have #GuessNFP# activity back again for this month! Do you have an idea in your mind? Remember that you can win up to 30 FCOIN if you guess the closest number of Non-Farm Payrolls of July.
As a quick reference, the NFP data in May was 2,699K, the NFP data in June was 4,800K, and the market
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金融市場技術分析 - 會說話的K線:從哲學角度教你追蹤金錢的流動軌跡
K線,是市場運 動最基本的表現符號,它承載著金錢的流動軌跡,記錄著金錢的得失過程。它被人們賦予了生命,展示著人們的期望、猜疑、幻想、貪婪、恐懼等,蘊涵著豐富的自然法則。一、你最好相信它一葉落而知天下秋,這是K線圖帶給我們的思維方式,它顯著的提醒著我們,無論多大規模的市場運 動都是從蛛絲馬跡裏發展起來的,誰能夠首先較為準確的把握這些線索,誰就能避免更多的損失,獲取最大的收益。每一個K線圖都在試圖向你作出手勢,告訴你市場正在發生的變化,而你,惟有靜下心來仔細辨認,才能聽懂嘈雜市場中的韻律。萬事萬物的發展和成敗,看似漫無頭緒,而實質上無不受內在規律的支配,K線圖也不例外。在這裏,除了人,沒有別的東西
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EU leaders reached a deal – EUR mixed
EU leaders reach agreement on recovery fund, 7-year budget. After the second longest summit on record EU leaders managed to find a complex compromise on the EUR 750 bln pandemic recovery fund and the next seven year budget, which together amount to an unprecedented EUR 1.82 trillion. That these disc
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