Abdul malek Maestro🇲🇦
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2021 FOLLOWME Fan Festival, Award for the Excellent Traders
In 2021, FOLLOWME has been established for 6 years, and more than 800,000 users worldwide have joined FOLLOWME. We adhere to the concept of the user first and technology for social good, continue to carry out technological innovation and strive to become the most popular trading community in the wor
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最全!FOLLOWME 2023半年度数据解读
《FOLLOWME 交易社区行业报告》2023半年刊上线啦~ PS.预计在下周二(8.1),FOLLOWM 会邀请专业大咖以<视频直播>向大家详解交易数据背后的秘密,赶快关注起来吧~ 一、活跃账户规模与交易表现 2023上半年,FOLLOWME 至少有过一笔交易的账户数为 29,618 个,累计交易 25,600,546 笔,其中跟随交易 3,807,203 笔。这些账户分别来自318家交易商。 活跃账户主要来自以下国家的用户,中国、印度尼西亚、越南、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡、日本。 *本章节数据统计周期为:2023.1.1-2023.6.3
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