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Weekly Trades: GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY and NZD/JPY
Last week's GBPUSD trade to short 1.3177 traded to 1.3212 and a 35 bonus point miss to entry. The target at 1.2960 traded to 1.3012 for + 200 pips from 1.3212 and + 165 pips from 1.3177. The 35 bonus point entry miss meant the 1.2960 target had to adjust by 35 pips.
What accounts for a GBP missed en
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【My Wallet 2.0】is coming!
【Great News】—Followme is about to update “My Wallet” feature. Now you can finally pay for subscription fee with FollowCoin you earn! This update involves the in-app assets of each user, please read the following notice carefully.
New Features
1. FollowCoin to FollowCash
The current cryptocur
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Updating Notification
Hey guys,
For offer a better service, Followme community will update our system from 10 am 12th January 2020 to 2 am 13th January 2020 (GMT+0). Some of our services may pause during updating. When the updating completed, all of Followme users will accept the update notification on your Follow
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Profit by Following
- Symbol XAU/USD
- Trading Account #2 12011788
- Broker GKFX
- Open/Close price 1,519.5/1,538.62
- Volume Buy 1 Flots
- Profit 1,912.00 USD
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数据强劲美元却未涨反跌 日元、加元、澳元技术分析预测
FX168财经报社(香港)讯 周四(12月26日)美市盘中,美元指数延续跌势,并刷新日低至97.53。美国最新公布的初请数据表现强劲,不过美元指数并未因此而上涨。美国劳工部公布的数据显示,美国12月21日当周初请失业金人数降至22.2万,预期22.4万,前值23.4万。美国上周申请失业金的人数下降,这是劳动力市场持续走强的迹象。近几周来,美国假期和年底前后的初请失业金人数一直波动不定。最新一周初请人数的下跌在很大程度上抵消了前两周初请人数的增加。这似乎是今年感恩节较2018年更晚的反映。此外,劳动力市场的强劲支撑着消费者的支出。尽管贸易局势带来了不确定因素,全球经济放缓也给制造业带来了压力,但
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FX168财经报社(香港)讯 Deltastock周五(12月27日)提供了最新欧元/美元、美元/日元和英镑/美元交易策略。欧元/美元:在触及关键支撑1.1065后开始反弹,目前已经重回1.1110阻力区域上方,开始挑战1.1170下一阻力区域。(欧元/美元4小时图 来源:Deltastock)日内阻力:1.1170、1.1200;本周阻力:1.1200、1.1270日内支撑:1.1110、1.1060;本周支撑:1.1060、1.1000美元/日元:汇价已经在109.20-109.70交投区间徘徊了逾两周,多空双方都没有获得太大空间。只有升破109.70才能打开进一步的上行空间,目标指向11
Pull-up Update